My current research focuses on the everyday life of freedom of speech in France. It combines a historical ethnography of the transformations of french laws on insult with research at a court in Paris which specialises in cases relating to freedom of speech.
I am currently working on a monograph, tentatively entitled Reason, Carnival and Honour: An anthropology of Freedom of Speech in France
<aside> 🇪🇺 This research is part of a broader project I coordinated, entitled Risking Speech. A collaboration with three post-doctoral researchers – Paolo Heywood, Taras Fedirko and Fiona Wright – the Risking Speech Project explored the comparative stakes of Freedom of Speech in Europe and beyond: how it is envisioned, pursued and contested.
The Risking Speech Project was funded by a European Research Council consolidator grant entitled Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective (2016-2022)